Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yes, I'm your auntie Karen

memang sungguh berguna fb ni..
that day time boring2 di rumah smbil layan fb yang semakin hambar,
tiba2 mama suruh cari karen kukuk..

sapa karen kukuk ni??
she was my nenek angkat time kat kansas bertahun-tahun yang lalu.
family dia kira cm family angkat untuk family kitorang
tak sangka dia still 'available' cz dulu pn dia kira dh tua..

time aku add dia tu at first dia reject.. *ok sedikit hampa*
tp aku add dia lg..
tgk dia bagi massage kat aku

How do you know me???

aku pun jawab la

i hope i didn't get the wrong person.. hehe.. if u r the right aunt karen then i guess u didn't remember me.. i'm liyana.. n my dad is Amin.. i'm from malaysia.. we used to live in Leavenworth back in 1991/1992.. if im not mistaken u n your family used to be my family's sponsor (that's what they call it).. and for your information my dad is an army officer n our family is the last family u sponsored.. really hope u could remember us:)

dan dia ingat!!!

So happy to hear from you. I didn't recognize your name after so many years. Tell me all about yourself and your family! I found some photos I took of all of you when you were in Leavenworth. How old is your sister now? How old is your little brother? You only list one sibling, Iffah on your profile? How are your parents? Please refresh my memory on your mother, sister and brother's names also. You must be 24 years old now. Tell me about your life! Again so good to be in contact. Thank you for looking me up on Facebook. I look forward to your answers. Love, your 'auntie' Karen

happy sungguh..
tak sabar mau pulang ke rumah and meng'reply' message my auntie karen bersama family..

anyway, ini lah my auntie karen

cilok from her fb

notakaki: i could still remember how close we were back then.. she's the one who took me to see santa clause, she's the one who took us trick-or treating and bought me a halloween costume *a cowboy girl suit*, we went to pumpkin farm and bought a huge pumpkin and carved the jack-o-lantern. she also let us celebrate easter day at her house and we bake cookies together. waaa... really hope 2 see her again..


Anonymous said...

waa macam bestlah jadik ko ni nana.
ade makcik omputih.


liyana said...

hehe.. sungguh xsangke jmp dia kt fb.. dh tua sgt dh dia.. hehe